Kloudle FreeScan, SuperFast and Deep Scan

Scan #

A scan for security issues in a cloud account, cloud server, kubernetes cluster etc.

We offer two main types of scans

Scan Type What is it What is good for?
SuperFast Scan A scan focused on key cloud services. Optimized to finish under seven minutes. Users gain an idea of security issues in their cloud/servers/cluster in services cyber attackers love.
Deep Scan In-depth scanning to cover all possible cloud security issues

Users need to know all that is insecure. So that it can be fixed.

We recommend starting with a DeepScan once and then if cloud isn't changing a lot, doing SuperFast scans.

Kloudle FreeScan #

New users who would like to experience Kloudle get five SuperFast scans for free. Available without any sign-up requirement,

SuperFastScan #

A super quick scan focused on key cloud services. Typically all SuperFast Scans are meant to finish under seven minutes.

The following table shows what is scanned in a SuperFast scan.

Services Scanned as part of SuperFast Scan

Cloud Provider Services Scanned Permission Required
DigitalOcean Cloud Droplets and Spaces Read-only permission for Droplets. Read-only permission for Spaces needs to be provided separately
Amazon Web Services (AWS) AWS EC2 and S3 Read-only permission
Google Cloud Compute Engine, Google Cloud Storage Buckets Read-only permission
Cloud Servers External scan for open ports and service identification None required, just uses IP address
Kubernetes API Service Read-only cluster permission

We have selected a few cloud services that are typically targeted by attackers. While SuperFast scans are optimized for speed, for full protection we recommend DeepScans.

SuperFast Scans cost 0.2 credits per scan, once the FreeScan credits are finished.

DeepScan #

A full coverage scan that looks at all cloud security configurations in-depth. Based on what is being scanned this can cover scores of services.

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