Kloudle Misconfigs (Visibility)
Misconfigs Listing
Misconfigs Listing is the place to see every misconfig in your workspace. Across all your onboarded cloud accounts spanning cloud providers.
When you first start using Kloudle, the listing page may seem a bit overwhelming. Within no time you will realize the incredible value to be able to see every single misconfig in one place.
✔️ All your misconfigs, across cloud providers and accounts, in one place

Informative Columns of Misconfig Data
Seeing what's wrong across cloud accounts (multi-cloud) , all at once is incredibly useful. What makes it even more useful is the data about the misconfigs.
- Misconfig Title
- Severity of the misconfig calculated using globally accepted CVSS
- Number of affected assets
- Cloud Provider
- Cloud Service
- List of compliances are not met due to the misconfig
- Cloud account name
ℹ️ All the columns are sortable
Severity of misconfigs
Severity as calculated on the basis of the base CVSS is pretty useful to get a sense of how urgently it should be fixed. But sometimes if a less severe misconfig affects more assets, you may want to tackle that first.

Severity Levels for Misconfigs
Kloudle uses Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) as a method of assessing security risk and prioritization for each discovered misconfig.
CVSS is an industry standard created by Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (https://first.org).
ℹ️ Kloudle uses version 3 of CVSS for calculating severity levels. Specifically the CVSS Base score is calculated based on the misconfig evaluated.
Severity Rating Scale
Rating | CVSS Score Range |
Critical | 9.0 - 10.0 |
High | 7.0 - 8.9 |
Medium | 4.0 - 6.9 |
Low | 0.1 - 3.9 |
Filtering Misconfigs
Now that you can see all the misconfigs in one place, you may end up with having a lot of issues to deal with.
With the pre-defined filters Kloudle has, you can easily zero down to the exact set of issues you want to tackle first.

Filter | What is it for | How is that useful? |
Misconfig | Drill down to a specific misconfig based on the title | Get to the specific misconfig quickly |
Severity | Severity level of misconfig | Filtering based on severity level aids in prioritization |
Affected Assets | Number of assets that have the same misconfig | Use this to consider fixing lower severity misconfigs, as it impacts more assets |
Cloud Provider | Misconfig is in which cloud provider. For eg. AWS, Google Cloud, Kubernetes, DigitalOcean etc. | Sometimes you may prefer to fix misconfigs of selected provider |
Cloud Service | Misconfig is in which cloud service of the provider. For eg. EC2, RDS, Droplet, Pod etc. | Sometimes you may prefer to fix misconfigs of selected service |
Compliance | Because of this misconfig, which compliance is not being met | You get a close to real time check on how non-compliant your cloud is |
Cloud Account | The specific cloud account you added | When you have multiple cloud accounts added, fix those misconfigs where production environment is first |
Status | If you have disabled some misconfigs, you can chose to filter on those too | Ignore what is disabled |
Finding Misconfigs
Finding misconfigs is something that we will end up doing a lot. Kloudle is all about showing you what's misconfigured and then help you deal with it as painlessly as possible. Our finding misconfig component makes the job of searching for set of misconfigs a breeze.

Instead of going for an open ended text search interface we have optimized the experience for you to easily collect a set of misconfigs and view them.
Select Misconfigs Based on Criteria

By default you can see all the relevant misconfigs in a workspace. Using the search criteria you can whittle down to the specific misconfig. Once you have selected all the misconfigs you want to see in the list page, you can confirm.
Finding Misconfigs in Action
Misconfig Details
In Kloudle you can see detailed information about every misconfig present in your workspace. Misconfig Detail page shows you all there is to know about

Misconfig Detail Page Fields
# | Field | How is it useful for you? |
1 | Cloud Provider & Account Name | Get a clear idea which cloud and account the misconfig impacts |
2 | Misconfig Title | Full title of the misconfig |
3 | Cloud Service | Which cloud service the misconfig belongs affects |
4 | CVSS Score & Severity Level | The numeric score and rating based on the score. |
5 | Compliance | The compliance you are in violation of due to the misconfig being present |
6 | Details | Misconfig general and technical details. Impact on your business if the misconfig is exploited by attackers |
7 | How to Fix | Simple step by step instructions on how to fix the misconfig. Wherever possible you will see the steps for GUI and CLI |
8 | Affected Assets List | List of all the assets that have this misconfig |
9 | Copy URL or Download | Best way to collaborate on an asset. Share URL over slack or download the asset information into a CSV |
10 | Automate Fix | Whenever possible and if Kloudle has permission to fix the misconfig automatically |
Misconfig Details Expanded
Get more details about the misconfig and sharable snippets to about the technical details and business impact.

Misconfig How to fix Expanded
In how to fix Kloudle explains if and when there are any gotchas when fixing the misconfigs

🛟 You can easily switch between GUI steps and CLI steps